Episode 17 (Season 2) Episode 17 and onwards belong to Season 2. Episode 44 and onwards will belong to Season 3. I've already had it deleted and nothing. https://space.bilibili.com/1811805578/lists/472281?type=season https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1k8411S7Qu/?spm_id_from=333.1387.collection.video_card.click&vd_source=3c4d1e90dff97a2264cfb0ab5a63e90c Today is the 1st anniversary of #Tomb of God Anime#! The big news is that Kitten has brought you #Tomb of the Gods 2#! (Liver explodes kitten) #神墓 Season 2# Produced by Wanwei Cat Animation, everyone remember to lock in #Youku Animation#, the rivers and lakes will eventually reunite, and the bloody adventure will continue to move forward! Let's witness Chennan's fantasy blood journey!